My Best 10 of... The Rolling Stones

Still blood moon?

Hey world, in this warm day, I have a hard cold choice. I must choose 10 songs from
the band that already been around since they released their first recording album
in 1964, until two years ago. Worse, in this year, they are still knockin' the industry. 
Yep, the one and only, The Rolling Stones, ladies and gentlemen. 

Heck, looks like they will survive from apocalypse. 

My first touch of The Rolling Stones happened back in 1987. I was about 6 year old.
Get together with family in living room, watching the telly with uncles. At the prime time
at that time, one of the TV station aired the TV Series called 'Tour of Duty', aaa! if
you remember about that series you must be remember of the theme song. 
Me : "Hey unc, what song is this"
Uncle : (Which not the best music digger) "I don't know the title, but I do know the band"
Me : "Who?"
Uncle : "Roling stun" (he said it like you pronounce stoon)
Me : "Cool..."

Yes, Paint it Black, and it's The Rolling Stones. 
9 years from that moment. I bought my first Stones cassette. Let it Bleed.

Alrighty, without further ado and with an ode to my late uncle,
I present you, My Best 10 of... The Rolling Stones, with the teaser video below.

DOWNLOAD the full set HERE



Number 10, 7 and 2 HERE

Number 9 HERE

Number 8 HERE

Number 6 HERE

Number 5 HERE

Number 4 and NUMBER ONE HERE

Number 3 HERE
