
Showing posts from September, 2018

My Best 10 of All Time... 10 Albums of All Time

Hey world! It's been a while since... yea, since these and those.  I'm back again refreshed and reinvigorated, with such a bloody bold topic. Yes, today after almost a month crawled with the choices, I present you..."MY TOP 10 ALBUMS OF ALL TIME!" I'm so very aware of, that literally millions music albums has released to this wonderful world, and absolutely with divine quality in it. But I'm stressing that this is definitely come out of my consciousness, and the reasons I chose my 10 albums, I will address it below (one thing for sure, there's no skipping a song, so these albums are so fit to be played in turntable) IMHO. Bear with me and thank you for read this blog despite your tight activities.  =======================================================================                                                     - My Top 10 Albums of All Time - ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 10.   TRAGIC KIN